Skin Check

Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world

2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 and sadly more than 2000 die from skin cancer each year. Yet it is one of the most preventable cancers and it is never too late to start protecting yourself against this disease.

Sun protection is needed whenever the UV level is 3 or higher. You can start by following the 5 S’s

SLIP – Slip on clothing that covers your shoulders, arms and legs

SLOP- Slop on SPF 30+ or high water-resistant sunscreen

SLAP- Slap on a hat that protects the ears, face and neck

SEEK- Seek shade

SLIDE- Slide on sunglasses that meet Australian standard AS1067

Be aware of your skin – it is important to regularly check your skin for new or changing spots.

In a room with good light, completely undress and use a mirror to check your whole body (not just areas that are exposed to the sun). Look for a spot that looks or feels different to other spots on your skin, has changed in size or shape, colour or texture, and doesn’t heal or itches or bleed.

The Cancer Council Australia recommends that you regularly monitor your skin and visit a doctor if you notice any changes. You can book in for your skin check with one of our doctors here.

Fees for skin check start from $ 70* after Medicare rebate. (* If you require a biopsy, there is an additional $110.)

(Image from: